6/17/2023 - Ring - 1 @ C
Judge - Natalie  Lamping - S
Purpose: Forbidden: Any movement or transition found only in tests above the level. Exceptions are listed under Additionally Allowed. Additionally Allowed: Half-pirouettes in canter, half-pass zig-zag in trot and counter-change of hand in canter (only one change of direction), halt to canter, medium trot and/or canter on a curved line.
Note: Omitted compulsory elements receive a “0”. Judges Marks for Technical Execution must be given in half or full points (no tenths). All trot work must be done sitting
Note: Non-compulsory movements must be rewarded or penalized under Choreography and/or Degree of Difficulty. Judges Marks for Artistic Impression may be given in tenths.
  Test Directives Points Coeff Total

TECHNICAL Collected walk (20m continuous) 6.5 2 13

TECHNICAL Extended walk (20m continuous) 6.5 2 13

TECHNICAL Shoulder-in RIGHT in collected trot (12m min.) 6 1 6

TECHNICAL Shoulder-in LEFT in collected trot (12m min.) 7 1 7

TECHNICAL Trot half-pass RIGHT in collected trot 6 1 6

TECHNICAL Trot half-pass LEFT in collected trot 7 1 7

TECHNICAL Extended trot on straight line 7 1 7

TECHNICAL Canter half-pass RIGHT in collected canter 7 1 7

TECHNICAL Canter half-pass LEFT in collected canter 7 1 7

TECHNICAL Flying changes of lead, every 4th stride (min. 3) 8 1 8

TECHNICAL Flying changes of lead, every 3rd stride (min. 3) 8 2 16

TECHNICAL Canter working half-pirouette RIGHT 7.5 2 15

TECHNICAL Canter working half-pirouette LEFT 7.5 2 15

TECHNICAL Extended canter on straight line 7.5 1 7.5

TECHNICAL Halt with salute on centerline, first and final 8 1 8

ARTISTIC Rhythm, energy, and elasticity 7.4 4 29.6

ARTISTIC Harmony Between Horse and Rider 7.6 4 30.4

ARTISTIC Choreography design cohesiveness, use of arena, balance, creativity 7.6 4 30.4

ARTISTIC Degree of Difficulty 7.2 4 28.8

ARTISTIC Music suitability, cohesiveness, seamlessness 8 2 16

ARTISTIC Interpretation music expresses gaits, use of phrasing and dynamics 8 2 16
  Subtotal 293.7
  Error Points 0
  Final Score 293.7
  (Maximum Points) 400
  Total Artistic - 75.600 Total Technical - 71.250
  Total Artistic Points - 151.2 Total Technical Points- 142.5
Overall Percent - 73.425 %