6/17/2023 - Ring - 1 @ C
Judge - Natalie  Lamping - S
Purpose: To confirm that the horse demonstrates correct basics, and has developed sufficient throughness, suppleness, balance, and impulsion to perform with ease the exercises at this medium level of difficulty. The horse has established consistent self-carriage and lightness through improved connection, engagement, and collection. The movements and transitions are performed with greater straightness, impulsion, and cadence. All trot work must be done sitting.
  Test Directives Points Coeff Total

1 A - Enter collected canter
X - Halt, salute
proceed collected trot
Engagement, collection and quality of gaits; well defined transitions; straightness; attentiveness; immobility (min. 3 seconds) 7 1 7

2 C - Track right
M-B - Shoulder-in right
Angle, bend and balance; engagement and collection 6 1 6

3 B-K - Change rein, medium trot
K - Collected trot
Moderate lengthening of frame and stride with engagement, elasticity, suspension, straightness and uphill balance; consistent tempo; well defined transitions 6.5 1 6.5

4 A - Down centerline
D-E - Half pass left
Alignment, bend, fluency and crossing of legs; engagement and collection 6 1 6

5 E-G - Half pass right
C - Track left
Supple change of bend; alignment, fluency and crossing of legs; engagement and collection 6 1 6

6 H-E - Shoulder-in left Angle, bend and balance; engagement and collection 6 1 6

7 E-F - Change rein, medium trot
F - Collected trot
Moderate lengthening of frame and stride with engagement, elasticity, suspension, straightness and uphill balance; consistent tempo; well defined transitions 6.5 1 6.5

8 A - Collected walk
K-R - Change rein, extended walk
Regularity; suppleness of back; activity; overtrack; freedom of shoulders; stretching to the bit; well defined transitions 6.5 2 13

9 R - Collected walk
M - Turn left
Between G&H - Half pirouette left
Proceed collected walk
Regularity; activity of hind legs; bend; fluency; size; self-carriage 5 2 10

10 Between G & M - Half pirouette right
Proceed collected walk
H - Turn right
Regularity; activity of hind legs; bend; fluency; size; self-carriage 6 2 12

11 (Collected walk)
Regularity; suppleness of the back; activity; collection; self-carriage 6 1 6

12 C - Collected canter right lead Precise, fluent transition; engagement, collection and quality of canter 6.5 1 6.5

13 M-F -F Medium canter
F - Collected canter
Moderate lengthening of frame and stride with engagement, elasticity, suspension, straightness and uphill balance; consistent tempo; well defined transitions 7 1 7

14 A - Down centerline
D-B - Half pass right
Alignment and bend while moving fluently forward and sideways; engagement and collection 6.5 2 13

15 B - Flying change of lead Clear, balanced, fluent, straight flying change; engagement and collection 4 1 4

16 B-G - Half pass left
C - Track left
Alignment and bend while moving fluently forward and sideways; engagement and collection 6 2 12

17 H-X-F - Change rein extended canter
F - Collected canter and flying change of lead
Utmost ground cover with lengthening of frame, engagement, elasticity, suspension, straightness and uphill balance; well defined transitions; clear balanced, fluent, straight flying change 6 1 6

18 K-X - On diagonal develop very collected canter
Apporaching X - Working pirouette right toward the letter F
Toward F - Proceed collected canter
Bend and balanceof working pirouette; straightness, regularity,engagement and collection ofcanter 7 2 14

19 K-X-M - Change rein, threeflying changes oflead everyfourth stride Clear, balanced, fluent, straight flying changes; engagement; quality of canter 5.5 2 11

20 H-X - On diagonal develop very collected canter
Apporaching X - Working pirouette right toward the letter M
Toward M - Proceed collected canter
Bend and balance of working pirouette; straightness, regularity, engagement and collection of canter 5.5 2 11

21 H - Collected trot Well defined, balanced transition; engagement and collection 5.5 1 5.5

22 S-F - Change rein, extended trot
F - Collected trot
Utmost ground cover with lengthening of frame, engagement, elasticity, suspension, straightness; well defined transitions maintaining tempo and balance 6.5 1 6.5

23 A - Down centerline
X - Halt, salute
Bend and balance in turn; engagement, collection and quality of trot; well defined transition; straightness; attentiveness; immobility (min. 3 seconds) 6.5 1 6.5

Gaits 7 1 7

Impulsion 6 2 12

Submission 6 2 12

Rider Position 7 1 7

Rider Aids 6 1 6
  Subtotal 232
  Error Points 0
  Final Score 232
  (Maximum Points) 380
  Percentage 61.053%