30- 2022 WDAA LEVEL 1 TEST 1
Purpose: Tests confirm that the horse is building on the elements from lower levels and is developing more engagement to show sufficient impulsion as the lengthened jog and lope are performed. The horse demonstrates a more consistent, light contact with the bit. These tests introduce some collection, lateral and longitudinal balance, suppleness and emphasize harmony and ride-ability |
Test |
Directives |
Points |
Coeff |
Total |
1 |
A - Enter working jog X - Halt, salute Proceed working jog |
Straightness; balanced, square, immobile
halt with prompt, smooth jog transitions;
regularity and quality of the jog |
6.5 |
1 |
6.5 |
2 |
C - Track left, working jog |
Balance and bend in the turn and corner;
straightness; regularity and quality of the
jog. |
7 |
1 |
7 |
3 |
E - Half circle left 15m
Leg yield right, quarter line to
between R & M M - C - H - Continue on the track, working jog |
Balance and inside bend on the half circle;
alignment, fluidity, and crossing of legs in
leg yield; balance and bend in the corners;
regularity and quality of jog |
6.5 |
1 |
6.5 |
4 |
H - R - Change rein, working jog |
Balance and inside bend on the corner and
turn; straightness; fluid change of bend;
regularity and quality of the jog. |
7 |
1 |
7 |
5 |
B - Half circle right 15m, working jog Leg yield left, quarter line to between S & H |
Balance and inside bend on the half circle;
alignment, fluidity, and crossing of legs in
leg yield; balance and bend in the corner;
regularity and quality of jog |
6 |
1 |
6 |
6 |
C - Circle right 20m, free jog Before C -Gather the reins, working jog |
Stretch forward and down over the topline;
moderate lengthening of stride and frame;
maintaining balance and tempo; smooth,
willing release and retake of the reins; size
and shape of circle with inside bend;
regularity of the jogs |
5.5 |
2 |
11 |
7 |
M - Working walk |
Willing, smooth transition; regularity and
quality of the walk |
6 |
1 |
6 |
8 |
R - V - Free walk V - Working walk |
Horse willing to freely stretch the neck
forward and down; relaxation; swing through
the back; ground cover; straightness; willing,
smooth transitions; regularity and quality of
the walks. |
6 |
2 |
12 |
9 |
K - Working jog A - C - Serpentine quarter line to quarter line, 3 loops |
Willing, smooth transition, balance and bend
in the corner; correct and symmetrical
placement of serpentine loops, changes of
bend on center lines; regularity and quality
of the jog |
7.5 |
1 |
7.5 |
10 |
C - Working lope left lead; immediately circle left 15m |
Willing, smooth transition; size and shape of
circle with inside bend; balance and bend in
the corner; regularity and quality of the lope |
6.5 |
2 |
13 |
11 |
H - Working jog S - F - Lengthen the stride in jog F - Working jog |
Moderate lengthening of stride and frame
with same tempo as working jog; balanced
transitions; balance & bend in the corners;
regularity and quality of jogs |
6.5 |
1 |
6.5 |
12 |
A - C Serpentine quarter line to quarter line, 3 loops |
Correct and symmetrical placement of
serpentine loops, changes of bend on center
lines; regularity and quality of the jog. |
6.5 |
1 |
6.5 |
13 |
C - Working lope right lead; immediately circle right 15m |
Willing, smooth transition; size and shape of
circle with inside bend; balance and bend in
the corner; regularity and quality of the lope. |
6 |
2 |
12 |
14 |
M - Working jog B - Halt, back 4 - 6 steps Proceed working jog |
Straightness; square, immobile halt; willing,
straight, back with diagonal pairs; willing,
smooth transitions; regularity and quality of
the jog. |
7 |
1 |
7 |
15 |
A - Down centerline X - Halt, salute |
Balance and bend in turn; straightness;
smooth, willing downward transition to
square, straight halt; immobility. |
6 |
1 |
6 |
Gaits |
7 |
1 |
7 |
Impulsion |
6.5 |
1 |
6.5 |
Rider Position |
7 |
1 |
7 |
Rider Aids |
6.5 |
1 |
6.5 |
Harmony |
6.5 |
2 |
13 |
Subtotal |
160.5 |
Error Points |
0 |
Final Score |
160.5 |
(Maximum Points) |
250 |
Percentage |
64.200% |