5/20/2022 - Ring - 2W @ C
Judge - Susan  Posner - R WD
  Test Directives Points Coeff Total

1 A - Enter collected jog
X - Halt, salute,
Proceed collected jog
Straightness; balance in transition to square, straight halt; immobility; prompt, smooth jog transitions. 7 1 7

2 C - Track left
H-E - Shoulder-in left
Engagement; uphill balance; consistent angle, bend, and tempo. 5.5 1 5.5

3 E - X - Half circle left 10m
X - H - Half pass left
Balance and bend on the half circle; alignment with soft willing bend; engagement; freedom of shoulders; fluidity. 6.5 2 13

4 M-P - Lengthen the stride in jog
P - Collected jog
Moderate lengthening of stride and frame with same tempo as collected jog; balanced, clear transitions. 4.5 1 4.5

5 K - E - Shoulder in right Engagement; uphill balance; consistent angle, bend, and tempo. 6.5 1 6.5

6 E - X- Half circle right 10m
X - K - Half pass right
Balance and bend on the half circle; alignment with soft willing bend; engagement; freedom of shoulders; fluidity. 6.5 2 13

7 A - Working walk
F - Halt 3 seconds, half turn on the forehand right (haunches left)
Smooth transitions; square, straight halt; immobility; willing movement of the haunches around the front legs with consistent tempo and inside flexion. 5.5 1 5.5

8 F - Half pivot right
Proceed working walk
Response to rider's leg with forward intention and correct bend; turn on the inside hind; willing, smooth transition. 8 1 8

9 P - E - Free walk
E - Working walk
Willing, smooth transitions; horse willing to freely stretch the neck forward and down; relaxation; swing through the back; ground cover; straightness 8 2 16

10 S - Halt 3 seconds, half turn on the forehand left (haunches right) Smooth transition; square, straight halt; immobility; willing movement of the haunches around the front legs with consistent tempo and inside flexion. 5.5 1 5.5

11 S - Half pivot left, proceed working walk Response to rider's leg with forward intention and correct bend; turn on the inside hind; willing, smooth transition. 5 1 5

12 C - Collected lope, right lead
R - Circle right 20m, lengthened lope
R - Collected lope
Clear transitions; moderate lengthening of stride and frame with same tempo as collected lope; quality of the circle. 6 2 12

13 B - Turn right
X - Circle right 10m
Uphill balance and engagement; quality of circle. 6.5 1 6.5

14 X - Simple change of lead Straightness through change; clear walk steps; balanced, smooth transitions. 7 1 7

15 E - Turn left Uphill balance and engagement on turn; straightness. 7 1 7

16 P - Circle left 20m, lengthened lope
P - Collected lope
Clear transitions; moderate lengthening of stride and frame with same tempo as collected lope; quality of the circle. 5.5 2 11

17 B - Turn left
X - Circle left 10m
Uphill balance and engagement; quality of circle. 6 1 6

18 X - Simple change of lead
E - Turn right
Straightness through change; clear walk steps; balanced, smooth transitions. 6 1 6

19 C - Collected jog
M - X - K - Change rein
X - Halt 3 seconds, back 6 steps
Proceed collected jog
Willing, smooth transitions; square, immobile halt; willing, straight, back with diagonal pairs. 6 1 6

20 A - Down centerline
X - Halt, salute
Straightness; balance in transition to square, straight halt; immobility. 6.5 1 6.5

Gaits 6.5 1 6.5

Impulsion 5 2 10

Rider Position 7 1 7

Rider Aids 6 1 6

Harmony 5 2 10
  Subtotal 197
  Error Points 0
  Final Score 197
  (Maximum Points) 320
  Percentage 61.563%