5/20/2022 - RING 2W
 2022 WDAA LEVEL 2 TEST 2  - Open
C - Posner

Movement Coef C

1 A - Enter collected jog
X - Halt, salute,
Proceed collected jog
1 8.0

2 I-R - Half circle right 10m
R - P - Haunches-in right
1 7.0

3 A - Down centerline
L - Halt, back 6 steps
Proceed collected jog
2 8.0

4 I - Half circle left 10 meters
S - V - Haunches-in left
1 7.0

5 A - Working walk
F - Halt
1 7.5

6 F - Sidepass left to the first quarter line, proceed straight ahead, working walk 1 7.5

7 Across from P - Halt
Sidepass right to P
P - Proceed working walk
1 7.5

8 B - H - Free walk
H - C - Working Walk
2 7.5

9 C - Collected lope, right lead
R - P - Lengthen stride in lope
P - Collected lope
1 7.0

10 A - Circle right 10m, collected lope 2 6.0

11 K - R - Change rein, collected lope
Near Centerline - Simple change of lead, Continue collected lope left lead
1 6.0

12 S - V - Lengthen stride in lope
V - Collected lope
1 7.0

13 A - Circle left 10m, collected lope 2 6.0

14 F - S - Change rein, collected lope
Near Centerline - Simple change of lead, continue collected lope right lead
1 7.0

15 C - Collected jog
M - V - Lengthen stride in jog
V - Collected jog
1 7.5

16 A - Down centerline
I - Halt, salute
1 8.0

Gaits 1 7.0

Impulsion 2 7.0

Rider Position 1 7.5

Rider Aids 1 7.5

Harmony 2 7.0


Error Points 0